How Generative Resources Support Our Healing, Resilience, and Empowerment

When we have the desire to become more resilient, more whole, and more empowered, we tend to be better served by generative resources. Not because they're inherently "better" than survival resources. Rather, because they’re more effective at meeting our needs, building self-trust (rather than self-abandonment), and empowering us to live lives of our own choosing. As a result, we’re able to access a greater sense of connection, agency, vitality, and wellbeing.

lindsay tauscher logo with flower image in the center lindsay tauscher logo with flower image in the center How Generative Resources Support Our Healing, Resilience, and EmpowermentIn my last post, we talked about one of the two main categories of resources we can use to cope, called Survival Resources. Survival Resources are resources or skills that have helped us to survive and to cope with stress and trauma, but which may not be generative or healing, and which may keep us feeling stuck over time.In this post, I’d like to introduce you to the second category of resources, one that tends to be more restorative and resilience-building: Generative Resources.As important as our survival resources can be in helping us deal with stressful circumstances, they generally will not support us to heal, grow, or move forward. The resources that help us survive are rarely the ones that will enable us to thrive.Generative Resources are resources that help us to feel nourished, alive, connected, and cared for; they give us a sense of meaning and fulfillment. These are resources that have the potential to help us heal and grow. They are resources that support a sense of integration and wholeness. And importantly, they support connection with ourselves, and often with others.When we have the desire to become more resilient, more whole, and more empowered, we tend to be better served by generative resources. Not because they're inherently "better" than survival resources. Rather, because they’re more effective at meeting our needs, building self-trust (rather than self-abandonment), and empowering us to live lives of our own choosing. As a result, we’re able to access a greater sense of connection, agency, vitality, and wellbeing. In my next post, I’ll break down Generative Resources into eight categories. This is just a tiny sliver of what I’ll be sharing with you in my upcoming Claiming Your Resources workbook, which will be released later this month. Subscribe to my newsletter in the green form beneath this post and you’ll receive a copy once it’s released!xo, Lindsay

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